Terms of Use

  1. The customer (the “Customer”), who is registered to the mobile application named Alfy (the “Application”), accepts to pay the fees requested by Alfred Concierge Tanıtım Hizmetleri A.Ş. (“ALFRED”), who is the service provider, for the services falling within the scope of this Application, and to comply with the conditions specified below. Customer accepts that his/her acceptance has been certified upon the marking of the “I read and accept the Terms” tab below.
  2. The Customer may start to use the Application within the scope of this Terms of Use (“Terms”), by typing his/her password, after downloading the Application, filling up sections required for registration and approving his/her GSM number. The Customer accepts that any information provided by the Customer during the registration is always and fully complete, accurate, belongs to the Customer and up-to-date and the Customer also accepts to keep such information up-to-date. The Customer can always update his/her personal information via the Application. Use of the Application is free of charge; however the services within the scope of the Application are paid.
  3. The Customer accepts, declares and undertakes that he/she approves the processing of the personal data he/she shares with ALFRED in order to use the Application within the scope of the Clarification Text available at alfred.com.tr and in this respect, the transfer to ALFRED’s servers located abroad.
  1. After the Customer is registered to and activated within the Application, the Customer may obtain any service he/she is looking for via the Application, by clicking the hourly driver, inspection and/or valet buttons.
  2. The Customer accepts and agrees to meet the personnel, who are designated as hourly service providers to the Customer. Services may include hourly driving and vehicle inspection procedures. The Customer agrees to meet at the scheduled hour and meeting point.
  3. The Customer shall type his/her credit card information into the system of the Application for one time only and such information will be used in the future without the requirement of re-entering such information in following uses. The Customer may pay the service fee through credit card and/or in cash via the payment system in the Application. Fees received by TUVTURK for vehicle inspection purposes will be paid in cash.
  4. In case the Customer fails to meet at the hour and at the place designated in the Application by the Customer, ALFRED’s personnel will wait for 15 minutes in total, and afterwards will leave the location, noting down that the service could not be provided due to the Customer’s failure to fulfill his/her commitment. The Customer accepts, declares and undertakes the sum of the hourly driver service’s unit price (without taking into account any promotions and campaigns) and said value will be collected from his/her credit card registered in the system in case of the above mentioned non-compliance.
  5. At the end of the service, ALFRED personnel shall end the travel and the calculated amount will be displayed on the Customer’s Application screen for approval. In non-cash travels, the Application will display a payment page on the Customer’s screen and the Customer will be prompted to approve the payable sum. The Customer will make the payment by only pushing the “Approve” button. After the payment to ALFRED is made through the approval button, the Customer is deemed to have paid the service fee to the driver and the Customer’s payment liability ends. In case the Customer does not give the payment approval despite having received the service, he/she accepts, declares and undertakes for the service fee to be received from his/her registered credit card.
  6. In case the payment is not made by credit card, the Customer is liable to pay the fee immediately in cash.
  7. All reservations can be cancelled free of charge at least 90 minutes prior to service. %50 of their reserved time frame fee will be charged to their registered credit cards in the application if the reservations is cancelled less than 90 minutes before the time of service. If the reservation time to service is less than 90 minutes, Customers can cancel their reservations within 10 minutes. If they exceed 10 minutes, %50 of their reserved time frame fee will be charged to their registered credit cards.
  8. Credit card information of the Customer is unknown to ALFRED, as the payment infrastructure is provided by authorized institutions. ALFRED shall not be held responsible in case credit card information is seized by 3rd parties.
  9. Third parties may not reach the Customer’s credit card information, in case the Customer’s smart phone/tablet is stolen or lost. However, it is obligatory for the Customer to notify ALFRED and to request deletion of the registered information. Otherwise, third parties may continue to use ALFRED service by using the Application and make payment by using the Customer’s credit card. ALFRED shall not be held responsible for this misusage under any circumstances.
  10. In case it is determined that the Customer acts contrary to the Terms, ALFRED, without being subject to any liability, reserves the right to suspend Customer’s membership for the Application or fully remove the Customer from the Application.
  11. The Customer accepts to use the Application and the services within the scope of the Application in accordance with the laws, Terms and fit for its purpose, and the Customer further accepts that all the responsibility of any actions and acts he/she commits under the Application belongs to the Customer. ALFRED shall, by no means, be held responsible, either directly or indirectly, from any action, act and/or activities committed or carried out by the Customer via and/or under the Application in a manner contrary to the present Terms and/or the law.
  12. In case the service cannot be used due to technical problems arising from the Customer or other reasons, ALFRED shall not be fails held responsible due to the non-performance of any of its liabilities specified through the present Terms, and no claims may be raised against ALFRED under any name whatsoever.
  13. The Customer accepts that all the responsibility with regard to the security and storage of the system access tools (username, password, etc.) he/she uses to benefit from services provided by ALFRED via the Application belongs to him/her, along with the responsibility to prevent third parties from seizing relevant information with regard to the same.
  14. The Customer accepts not to reproduce, copy, distribute or process any pictures, texts, visual and audio images, video clips, files, databases, catalogues and lists under the Application, which would constitute violation of real or personal rights and assets of ALFRED and/or any other third party.
  15. The personnel providing the service within the scope of the Application is personally subject to the provisions of the applicable legal legislation with regard to his/her behaviors and words, which might constitute an offense. ALFRED may not be held responsible with regard to such situations.
  16. The Customer receiving driver service from ALFRED, accepts that he/she lets his/her vehicle driven by a third person voluntarily and as the vehicle owner or user, he/she is aware of and undertakes his/her related legal responsibilities solely by him/herself
  17. In case the vehicle, for which service is requested, lacks automobile insurance and compulsory traffic insurance, ALFRED is entitled to refuse to deliver the service.
  18. The Customer declares and undertakes that, he/she will use his/her own vehicle insurances to relieve the damage in case of any fire, accident or damage occurring during the service and that he/she will not claim any material/non-pecuniary damages from ALFRED with regard to damages occurring and that he/she waives those rights.
  19. The Customer declares and undertakes that ALFRED will not be liable to provide any replacement vehicle and/or cover the loss of value of the damaged vehicle, ALFRED shall not be held responsible from scratches on the vehicle’s paint, front and rear bumpers and mudguards, damages inside the car and that the Customer will not claim any material/non-pecuniary damages from ALFRED with regard to the same and the Customer waives those rights.
  20. The Customer states and undertakes that, ALFRED provides service merely as an intermediary between main suppliers and the Customer during the performance of other concierge services provided by ALFRED, and therefore, may not be held responsible from any damages and losses, which may occur as a result of the relevant services, by stating he/she waives all kinds of relevant rights.

ALFRED collects the information specified below:
Description information (name, surname, mobile phone number, e-mail address, vehicle registration plate, vehicle model-make, vehicle tire brand and dimensions, vehicle inspection expiry date).
Information on the operating system version of the mobile device used.
Location information acquired from the mobile device used.
Information on the vote given to the personnel at the end of service, and comments.
For which purposes ALFRED uses the above mentioned information?
To authenticate identity (via sending verification code to the mobile phone number given).
To provide customer support and eliminate problems.
To provide information on service updates and failures.
To inform the Customer with regard to Application-related campaigns.
To enable the personnel to call the Customer in case the personnel wants to verify the service request.
Sharing of personal data:
ALFRED shall not sell, lease, market or transmit otherwise the personal information and/or traffic data or the content of the contact without the explicit consent of the Customer, unless ALFRED is obliged to do so in accordance with the relevant laws or it is requested with the order of the relevant institutions, except for the circumstances set forth in these Terms.
ALFRED may disclose personal information to relevant legal authorities in line with a legal request, to fulfill legal requirements, to act in line with its legal rights or to defend itself against legal right demands, to protect ALFRED’s interests, to fight with fraud and to apply its principles or to protect the rights, goods or safety of any person, provided that other legal rights and rights set forth in the Terms are reserved.
In order for the Customer to use ALFRED’s services in a faster and more efficient manner, session cookies are stored in Customer devices. The Customer may block the storage of the relevant data by making a change in device settings, in case he/she chooses to. However, the Customer may be unable to use all the functions of ALFRED service in case he/she makes the above mentioned change. ALFRED reserves its right to modify the Privacy Policy related to these Terms from time to time. The Customer will be notified in case any change is made.

  1. All elements of the Application, including but not limited to design, text, image, HTML code and other codes (hereinafter to be referred as “ALFRED’s copyright subjects”) belong to ALFRED. The Customer shall not use ALFRED services, ALFRED information and ALFRED’s copyright subjects for commercial purposes.
  2. The Customer may not reproduce or distribute ALFRED’s copyright subjects without ALFRED’s written consent, nor it may derive or derivate anything from the same.
    All rights of ALFRED with regard to ALFRED services, ALFRED information, ALFRED copyright subjects, ALFRED trademarks, ALFRED commercial appearance or any of ALFRED’s assets, real and personal rights, commercial information and know-how, including all kinds of material and intellectual property rights it acquires through the Application, are reserved.
  3. Fully at its own discretion, ALFRED may modify the Terms unilaterally, any time it deems suitable, by announcing the change via the Application. The modified provisions of the present Terms shall become valid upon the Customer’s on-line acceptance of the Terms via the Application, on the date of their announcement or afterwards, while the remaining provisions shall remain in force and bear the exact consequences.
  4. ALFRED may not be held responsible in case it delays the performance of any of its liabilities specified through the present Terms, it performs its liability in an incomplete manner or fails to perform at all, due to situations considered as force majeure. Such and similar situations shall not be deemed as ALFRED’s delays, short performance, non-performance or default, and no compensation may be claimed from ALFRED with regard to these situations, regardless of the name. The term “force majeure” shall be interpreted as inevitable developments occurring beyond the reasonable control of the relevant party, which ALFRED fails to prevent despite displaying the necessary care, and include but are not limited to natural disasters, riot, war, strike, communication problems, infrastructure and internet breakdowns, powercuts, and adverse weather conditions.
  5. The present Terms shall remain in force until the Customer’s membership ends, and shall continue to inure to take effect and bear consequences for the Parties.
  6. ALFRED may terminate the membership of the Customer unilaterally, in case the Customer acts contrary to the provisions specified in the present Terms, and similar rules stated in the Application with regard to usage, membership and ALFRED services.
  7. The Customer accepts that, with regard to disputes, which may arise under the present Terms, electronic records and system records kept by ALFRED in its own database or servers, along with commercial records, book records, microfilms, microslips and computer records will constitute solid, binding, final and exclusive evidence; it releases ALFRED from any oath proposal, and the present clause is an evidential contract as per Article 193 of the Code of Civil Procedure.
  8. Liability of ALFRED and the personnel providing services within the scope of these Terms and services are limited to gross negligence and willful misconduct and direct damages and the total liability of ALFRED and the personnel providing services shall not exceed the fee paid by the Customer in relation to the service causing the liability.
  9. The present Terms entered into force upon being mutually agreed, after electronic approval of the Customer.
  10. İstanbul Central (Çağlayan) Courts and Execution Offices shall have jurisdiction for the settlement of disputes to arise from these Terms.
  11. Commercial Electronic Message
    With the marking of the Customer of the below “I have read and accept the Terms”, ALFRED shall have the authority to send commercial electronic message.